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Why You Should Buy A Double Sink

Let's Begin

Everyone needs a sink. They’re fantastic for cleaning yourself and freshening up. Whether you are brushing your teeth, shaving your face or having a good old moisturize, they are ideal.

But say you share your bathroom with someone else. Your partner, your kid, your flat mates. You love them, of course you do, but it is nice to have your own space.

That’s where double sinks come in!


What Is A Double Sink?

Double Sink

They’re exactly what they say on the tin! They are two sinks in one. This can be achieved by having two connected basins, or one shared and very large basin equipped with two taps.

Either way, you are left with twice as much sink as before and ample room for you and your loved ones to get ready in peace.


How Does A Twin Sink Work?

There are two functionally different types. Those that feature two bowls have their waste pipes connect via a sanitary tee, which then drains into their regular basin traps. This means they function almost exactly the same as a regular basin, except you get the benefit of having access to two.

Those with only one bowl essentially have a much larger bowl to accommodate two taps and the potential to have two people standing at the sink at the same time. Because there is only one waste, this functions like a regular sink.


What Are The Benefits Of A Twin Basin?

Your Own Space

The big draw is of course having multiple spaces for you and your loved ones to get ready. No longer will you have to wait turns. No longer will you have to argue about who has taken up more space. No longer will you have to have an unpleasant shared experience.

By having your own space, you can have two people using the bathroom at the same time, which cuts down your time waiting around and getting ready.

Aesthetically Pleasing

Twin Basin

But it’s not just practical benefits, they aesthetic benefits too. Having multiple sinks immediately evokes feelings of luxury and success. It highlights how you have options and it reinforces a style that oozes charm and royal connotations.

Safe Storage

As well as this, by having a double sink with vanity, you gain a lot of storage. So not only can you get ready without falling over each other, but you can store all of your essentials without worrying about accidentally using one another’s.

Home Value

One extremely lucrative benefit is that because dual sinks scream luxury and decadence, installing one will increase your home value when you come to sell or rent. They are practical and stylish, meaning they are a tremendous feather in your cap when it comes to finding buyers.

Great For Businesses

As well as the home application, two in one sinks also work fantastically for businesses. If you need a fleet of sinks for your business you can save space and money by installing combined sinks. They are a brilliant way to add class and functionality to your place of work without blowing the budget.


But What If I Live Alone?

If you live alone, or at least don’t share your bathroom, you may not see the need for a one. However, there are still benefits. For one, the extra space means you can be more modular with your day to day readying and can multitask effectively. You can fill one sink for washing your hair while you brush your teeth in the other.

As well as this, installing a two in one sink can be an act of future proofing. You don’t share a bathroom space now, but if a significant other moves in in the near future, you will be extremely happy that you had the foresight to install a way of easily and effectively accommodating you both.

Also, even if you don’t use a twin sink to its fullest potential currently, it will still increase the value of your home, so it’s always a savvy investment if you’re gearing up to sell.


Can I Put A Dual Basin In A Small Bathroom?

Yes! In fact, while a dual sink takes up more space than a regular single sink, it could be ideal to get a double sink for a small bathroom, as installing one could help you save space in the long run. This is because you will be getting much more efficiency out of your smaller bathroom and it could save you from having to build an extension to accommodate more utilities, as there are multiple in one convenient space.


What Sizes Do Twin Sinks Come In?

Durovin sells double sinks in a range of sizes between 1200x460mm and 1440x480mm. These sinks are made to be roomy and beautiful. They can act as a prominent feature in a smaller bathroom or help tie the space together in a bigger bathroom. They are perfectly designed to the needs of numerous people.

These are perfect for double vanities and mean you could have your sink freestanding or hanging anywhere.


What Type Of Twin Basin Should I Buy?

There are many different types of sinks, so it stands to reason there are also many different types of the two in one sink. Let’s analyse and see which suits you the best.

Wall Hung

There are many benefits to a wall hung double sink, the primary one being that it takes up less space than the alternatives. This can be great if you need to cut down on the amount of space you are using or especially need the area underneath the sink to be accessible.

As well as this, a wall hung basin looks modern and freeing. It can add a minimalist charm to your space and act as a modern anchor point to your aesthetic.

Counter Top

Having your sink be based on a counter can be really useful. Mainly because it affords you a lot of work space, by having your double basin resting on a counter you give yourself ample room to store items next to the sink, instead of on top of the sink. This can be especially useful in business environments, where you can have a fleet of sinks on counters.

Counter top sinks look smart and professional, making them ideal for anyone looking to strike a cool look.


Vanities are fantastic, they afford you lots of storage and they often take on a beautiful classical look. Especially since you will be needing a double vanity. This will afford you a lot of storage space and give you the chance to choose a bold design to make a statement piece out of your sink. For those looking to impress and embolden, while adding functionality the double vanity is perfect.


Pedestal sinks are classics and the double pedestal sink is an ingenious twist on that classic formula. They add a unique silhouette to any interior and are more often than not used as statement pieces.

If you’re looking for something a reinvention of a classic with an otherworldly charm, the double pedestal sink is right for you.



The key to making an informed decision is understanding all of your options. So, what can you do to achieve similar results without installing a two in one sink?

Multiple Sinks

Two Sinks

You can install multiple single sinks!

There are numerous benefits to choosing to install multiple single sinks. For example, you can choose smaller sinks that can fit in smaller areas. Like our Bruessel 421B which is only 300X215mm. This way, even if your space is small you can maximise the luxury.

As well as this, by having multiple separate sinks, you can freely choose where they go in your space, instead of having them bound together. This is great for someone looking for that extra layer of customizability.

Speaking of customizability, by choosing to install multiple sinks, you can choose sinks of varying style and colour to really emphasise your individuality and personalize your bathroom to the max. the contrast of shape or colour could really help tie together a distinct and powerful look.

You can make this option even more practical by installing a single sink and a toilet with a sink on top. This way you have the benefit of having two sinks, while only taking up the space of one sink. This is because the toilet with a sink on top doesn’t need any extra space and allows you to achieve an extreme level of functionality.

So, as you can see, if you want the luxury of multiple sinks, there are other ways of achieving that. However, you want to achieve your multi-sink dream, Durovin has you covered.

A Sink With A Work Surface

Sink With Surface

Another alternative option is to install a single sink that cleverly makes use of the space of two. For example, our tremendous Colossum 04 features a large surface area next to the basin that allows for you to store your toothbrushes, shavers and other amenities. The benefit of this design is that it keeps all of your bathroom utensils together on the basin and you don’t have to worry about them getting lost or damaging another surface.

This is ideal for the person looking to have everything ready and waiting come morning and night. With the basin’s large surface area, you can have your items prepped at all times on an extremely hygienic surface.

Large Basin

Large Sink

If it is just size, you’re after, you may be better off with an extra large single sink. For example, the single tap Colossum 19 comes in many sizes, including up 1200mm long. This can give you the benefit of the size of a twin basin, without having the extra taps. If you just want the extra size and not the extra functionality, a large bowled single basin could be just what you need.


What Aesthetic Does A Dual Sink Fit?


To expand on a previous point, double basins demonstrate luxury in a way few fixtures can. They fit any bathroom striving for that opulent feeling. Any person looking to make a regal statement need look no further than the twin basins.


Twin sinks also perfectly fit the stylings of Americana. Increasingly popular in the traditionally larger American homes, your double basin could be used to help prop up a style of retro diner aesthetics that evoke wistful nostalgia.


Are Dual Basins Easy To Fit?

Yes! They are very simple to fit. You essentially just have to go through the process of installing two sinks with the only complication being that their waste flow pipes will connect at some point. It really is that simple, so don’t let the prospect of installation turn you away from these great fixtures.


How Much Does A Twin Sink Cost?

Durovin’s double basins range in price between £149.35 and £175.10. This is extremely affordable for such lavish items and means anyone can achieve the luxury of a two in one sink without the expenditure.


Are Twin Basins Safe?

Yes, they are safe. However, it is important to remember they will need extra space for installation and are heavier than regular basins. So, make sure you have enough room and weight carrying capacity wherever you install your double basin, to ensure maximum safety.


Is A Double Sink Accessible?

wall hung double sink

Yes, in fact the double tapped Colossum 19 is especially accessible. This is because it is a wall hung sink, meaning there is plenty of room for wheelchair access or other potential needs. As well as this, because it features one large bowl, there is lots of room in the sink. This can be useful for those with mobility issues, or those that need the aid of another, as the extra bowl space provides ample room.


Final Thoughts

They’re ultra-stylish and ultra-useful, the dual sink is here to stay. Whether you’re looking to craft the perfect luxurious vibe for your bathroom or are looking to maximise space and effectiveness in your cloakroom, the bathroom double sink can be the perfect way to give yourself form, function and some extra funds when the time comes to sell.