From glass shower enclosures to glass canopies, there are many opportunities for you to introduce frosted glass to your home. But what is frosted glass and why would you want it in your home? Let’s dive in to what frosted glass is and how it can help you.
Frosted glass is a wonderful invention that affords you the light flow of glass and the security of walls. This glass is used for many fixtures, such as shower enclosures, interior sliding doors and glass canopies. This is because the obfuscating nature of the frosted glass hides any visual behind it, while still allowing light through. This is perfect for the bathroom, where light flow is important and privacy is crucial.
Frosted glass starts life as normal, clear glass but then has one side either sandblasted or acid etched. This process causes the now changed face of glass to allow through enough light to keep your space feeling light and airy, but not enough light to let anything behind the frosted glass be seen.
Pros Of Frosted Glass |
Cons Of Frosted Glass |
Privacy |
Can’t See Through |
Aesthetics |
Hygiene |
Light Flow |
Thanks to the frosted nature of the glass, you can be assured in your privacy. This is fantastic in any context. Whether you need privacy because you’re in the shower or your bedroom, privacy is crucial to a happy life and you should invest in frosted glass to ensure it for yourself, while also embracing lots of other utility.
There’s no getting away from it, frosted glass is pretty. Not only that, they are extremely sophisticated. This is because their efficient and high utility design evokes that feeling of intelligence. This is a great aesthetic addition to any home, whether you have a retro cottage, or a modern apartment.
Glass is extremely hygienic and easy to clean. This is because glass is non-porous and therefore doesn’t allow water to pass through. This is excellent, as porous materials like wood allowing water through them is what causes mould and decay. Glass being able to prevent this makes it a fantastic addition to any home and especially to any bathroom, where humidity and water are common.
The main benefit of frosted glass is that while it provides you with privacy, it still gives you light flow. Light flow is extremely important for a whole host of aims, such as:
This quality is another way frosted glass stands out from the crowd.
The main benefit of frosted glass is that it makes it so you can’t see through it. However, this could be an issue for certain people in certain circumstances. For example, if you’re claustrophobic then a shower enclosure you cannot see out of could be inconvenient for you. In this instance, it is best to opt for a clear glass shower enclosure or a walk in shower screen. Consider your own specific requirements and do your research when considering whether frosted glass is for you.
Now, let’s look at the different fixtures you can make from frosted glass, starting with frosted glass sliding doors. Frosted glass sliding doors are a phenomenal variation of the already brilliant glass sliding door which acts as a modern successor to the old school wooden hinged door. Plus, as they are frosted and therefore private, they make great bathroom and bedroom doors, where clean glass interior doors maybe less than ideal as you don’t want people to be able to see inside the bathroom while you use it.
Similar to frosted glass sliding doors, frosted glass shower enclosures are the ultimate version of shower enclosures, as it gives you that brilliant sense of privacy that clear shower enclosures just can’t. For a happy medium, you can even get clear shower enclosures with frosted glass panels that help partially block visibility. These kinds of shower enclosures are designed to help protect your vital areas in need if privacy but give you the clarity you need to be able to see out of the shower enclosure.
Frosted glass shower screens are a great alternative to frosted glass shower enclosures. Frosted glass shower screens are perfect for walk in showers, as they provide you with a private divider between your walk in shower and the rest of your bathroom. This is a great benefit if you live with multiple people who may have to use different elements of the bathroom simultaneously, as the frosted glass shower screen will allow you to keep the manoeuvrability synonymous with walk in showers, while granting you the privacy and light flow only frosted glass can.
Now, frosted glass isn’t only for the interior of your home, but the exterior too. That’s where frosted glass canopies come in. Frosted glass canopies are overdoor canopies that protect you from harsh weather and harsh light. Frosted glass canopies have the added boon of making to so you cannot be looked down upon when using it. This is perfect for any kind of multistorey building, such as an office or apartment, as you don’t want nosy neighbours spying on your smoke break.
Considering the amount of quality of life frosted glass provides, it is very affordable. Let’s look at our shower enclosures as an example. Our Ravenna 4 is an L Shape Hinged Door Shower Enclosure with Towel Rail Bar Handle. The Ravenna 4 shower enclosure can come as either a clear glass shower enclosure or frosted glass shower enclosure. The clear glass shower enclosure is £257.25, while the frosted glass shower enclosure is £320.25. as you can see, this is only £63 more expensive, which is extremely affordable for a shower enclosure. Similarly, our 1200 x 900mm clear glass overdoor canopy costs £275.60, while our 1200 x 900mm frosted glass overdoor canopy costs £286. This is only £10.40 more expensive, which in context is practically free. Frosted glass is a very affordable variation of glass that you should seriously consider for your home and business.
Frosted glass is an ideal element for adding privacy and utility to your home and works as a great improvement over other materials like clear glass or wood. For more information about glass, interior decoration or bathroom fixtures, check out our blog for comprehensive articles.