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Frameless Vs Framed Shower Enclosures

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Framed Shower Enclosures & Frameless Shower Enclosures

Your shower enclosure is one of the most important fixtures in your bathroom.

This means it is imperative that you install the correct shower enclosure.

But which is the correct shower enclosure?

There seems to be endless variety.

In fact, there are seemingly two types:

  • Framed Shower Enclosures
  • Frameless Shower Enclosures

Which is better, a framed shower enclosure or a frameless shower enclosure?

Which one should you install?

Don’t worry, we will be answering all of these questions and more in this article explaining and exploring the differences between framed and frameless shower enclosures, so that you can come to an informed decision.

Let’s begin.


Framed Shower Enclosures Explained

Framed Shower Enclosure

A framed shower enclosure is a divider made from glass that allows you to keep the water in the shower and out of the rest of the bathroom.

The frame is a metal strip that acts as the outline and connective tissue of all of the glass.

This frame is what holds the enclosure in place.


Frameless Shower Enclosures Explained

Frameless Shower Enclosure

A frameless shower enclosure is another type of divider made of glass that keeps the shower water within the shower.

It is frameless because it does not feature a metal strip connecting the glass. Instead, they are held in place by small clips. This is made possible through the use of strong, tempered glass that doesn’t need the extra support of the frame.


Framed Shower Enclosure Benefits

Framed Shower Enclosures

Now that you understand what a framed shower enclosure is, let’s look at what makes a framed shower enclosure good.

Framed Shower Enclosures Are Consistent

Due to their sturdy frames, framed shower enclosures are extremely consistent. The frame helps keep water in the enclosure by ensuring there are no gaps present between the glass. This is obviously fantastic and great for anyone looking to have a dependable shower enclosure.

Framed Shower Enclosures Are Affordable

Because they are an older design and harder to clean & maintain, framed shower enclosures are consistently cheaper than frameless shower enclosures.

Our cheapest framed shower enclosure is £157.50, while our cheapest frameless shower enclosure is £209.99.

While the frameless shower enclosure is still affordable, you can see how you can save money by opting for the framed shower enclosure.

Framed Shower Enclosures Are Easy To Install

Once again, the presence of frames makes life a little bit easier. This is because the frames help during installation, as it is very easy to simply slot the glass into the frames during installation. This streamlined installation process can definitely ease the burden on whoever is performing it.


Frameless Shower Enclosure Benefits

Frameless Shower Enclosures

Now, let’s switch tracks and explore the benefits of frameless shower enclosures.

Frameless Shower Enclosures Are Easy To Clean & Maintain

Frameless shower enclosures are much more hygienic than framed shower enclosures. This is because the metal of framed shower enclosures can collect water and soap scum, causing rust and mould build up.

Meanwhile, as frameless shower enclosures just feature hygienic glass, they are much cleaner and don’t develop these issues.

This also means they are easier to clean and maintain as there is much less that can go wrong.

Frameless Shower Enclosures Are Modern

One of the main benefits of frameless shower enclosures is that they are extremely modern and minimalistic.

Frameless shower enclosures are increasingly popular and common, due to their high hygiene level and their flexibility of design.

This modern status means they can actually improve the valuation of your home, as they are recognized as a modern standard.

Frameless Shower Enclosures Are Available In More Designs

Because they are not limited by the rigidity of a metal frame, frameless shower enclosures come in a variety of different shapes and styles.

We ourselves sell frameless quadrant shower enclosures, frameless pentagonal shower enclosures and more, to name just a few.

This flexibility of design means you can easily find the frameless shower enclosure of your dreams, you just have to look.


Framed Shower Enclosure Drawbacks

Now, let’s address the disadvantages of framed shower enclosures.

Framed Shower Enclosures Can Be Difficult To Clean

Due to the metal body of the shower frame, framed shower enclosures can be prone to mould and rust. This is less than ideal, and can cause the shower enclosure to be more difficult to clean and less hygienic than it’s contemporary, the frameless shower enclosure.

Framed Shower Enclosures Are Less Modern

Framed shower enclosures are a design philosophy rooted in the past and don’t necessarily reflect the streamlined, minimalistic design philosophies of today. If you are looking to modernize your bathroom, a framed shower enclosure is probably not for you.


Frameless Shower Enclosure Drawbacks

On the flipside, let’s look at the disadvantages of frameless shower enclosures.

Frameless Shower Enclosures Are Harder To Install

Due to their frameless nature, frameless shower enclosures are not as simple installations as framed shower enclosures. The installation process changes shower enclosure to shower enclosure, but it typically features installing clips or aluminium profiles to the wall that can hold the glass. This is a bit less simple than just installing the shower enclosure.

Frameless Shower Enclosures Are More Expensive

It is also worth considering that frameless shower enclosures are typically more expensive due to their modern look and hygienic nature, so if you’re looking to tighten the budget, they may not be for you. However, it is worth considering there are affordable frameless shower enclosures out there, such as our £219.98 frameless shower enclosure the Ravenna 56.


Framed Shower Enclosures VS Frameless Shower Enclosures Summary

Framed Shower Enclosures

Framed Shower Enclosure Pros

Framed Shower Enclosure Cons

Framed Shower Enclosures Are Consistent

Framed Shower Enclosures Can Be Difficult To Clean

Framed Shower Enclosures Are Affordable

Framed Shower Enclosures Are Less Modern

Framed Shower Enclosures Are Easy To Install


Frameless Shower Enclosures

Frameless Shower Enclosure Pros

Frameless Shower Enclosure Cons

Frameless Shower Enclosures Are Easy To Clean & Maintain

Frameless Shower Enclosures Are Harder To Install

Frameless Shower Enclosures Are Modern

Frameless Shower Enclosures Are More Expensive

Frameless Shower Enclosures Are Available In More Designs



Framed Rectangular Shower Enclosure VS Frameless Rectangular Shower Enclosure

Frameless Rectangular Shower Enclosure

So, considering everything we now know, is it better to have a framed rectangular shower enclosure or a frameless rectangular shower enclosure?

We recommend following your budget.

In the case of a rectangular shower enclosure, there are benefits to both the framed and frameless approach.

If you are looking to save money, then we advise opting for a framed rectangular shower enclosure, whereas if you are looking to cut down on cleaning, we advise you go for the frameless rectangular shower enclosure.


Framed Square Shower Enclosure VS Frameless Square Shower Enclosure

Frameless Square Shower Enclosure

The case of the square shower enclosure echoes the rectangular shower enclosure.

It all comes down to budget.

If you are looking to save as much money as possible, then opt for the framed square shower enclosure.

If you can afford to, invest in the frameless square shower enclosure.


Framed Quadrant Shower Enclosure VS Frameless Quadrant Shower Enclosure

Frameless Quadrant Shower Enclosure

The case of the quadrant shower enclosure is a bit cleaner cut.

We recommend installing the frameless quadrant shower enclosure.

This is because the frameless quadrant shower enclosure is not restricted by the metal frame of a framed shower enclosure.

Plus, a curved frame could be even more difficult to clean than a regular framed shower enclosure because of the complex design, amplifying the inherent issues.

That’s why you should choose a frameless quadrant shower enclosure.


Framed Pentagonal Shower Enclosure VS Frameless Pentagonal Shower Enclosure

Frameless Pentagonal Shower Enclosure

Just like with the quadrant shower enclosure, we recommend the frameless pentagonal shower enclosure.

This is because a framed pentagonal shower enclosure would likely have a specially shaped metal frame with creases that are more likely to catch water and soap scum, increasing the likelihood of mould and rust.


Shaped Framed Shower Enclosures VS Shaped Frameless Shower Enclosures Summary

Shower Enclosure Shape

Framed Or Frameless

Square Shower Enclosure


Rectangular Shower Enclosure


Quadrant Shower Enclosure

Frameless Quadrant Shower Enclosure

Pentagonal Shower Enclosure

Frameless Pentagonal Shower Enclosure


Framed Hinged Door Shower Enclosure VS Frameless Hinged Door Shower Enclosure

Frameless Hinged Shower Enclosure

We recommend you choosing a frameless hinged shower door.

This is because there is no point adding extra framing where none is necessary, and as the hinged door can exist without a frame, it is best to do so.


Framed Bi-Folding Door Shower Enclosure VS Frameless Bi-Folding Door Shower Enclosure

Frameless Bifold Shower Enclosure

Just like with the hinged shower door, we recommend utilizing frameless bi-fold shower doors.

This is because bi-fold doors do not suit having extra framing, as they need to bend in the middle and extra framing would simply complicate or fully prevent this.


Framed Sliding Door Shower Enclosure VS Frameless Sliding Door Shower Enclosure

Framed Sliding Shower Enclosure

When it comes to the sliding door shower enclosure, you have more options.

As the sliding shower door will require a rail as a fundamental of its design, it does not matter particularly if there is a frame or not.

In this case, when it comes down to either a framed sliding shower enclosure or a frameless sliding shower enclosure, follow your aesthetic preferences and budget.

Frameless Sliding Shower Enclosure


Framed Walk In Shower Screen VS Frameless Walk In Shower Screen

Frameless Walk In Shower Enclosure

By nature, a walk in shower screen is frameless. This is because there is no need for a frame and in fact, there is no door to complicate matters.


Framed Shower Doors VS Frameless Shower Doors Summary

Shower Enclosure Door Type

Framed Or Frameless

Hinged Shower Enclosure


Bi-Fold Shower Enclosure


Sliding Shower Enclosure


Walk In Shower Screen



Final Thoughts On Framed Shower Enclosures & Frameless Shower Enclosures

Overall, after taking everything into consideration, we consider frameless shower enclosures to be the most recommended version of the shower enclosure for the modern home.

However, if you are working with a strict budget or are looking for a retro style, then you should choose a framed shower enclosure.

For more information on showers, check out our comprehensive article explaining everything you need to know about shower enclosures, and for more bathroom information check out the rest of our blog.